CASIP International Lecture Series #2

What Happens to Space and Time in Quantum Gravity?


Speaker: Carlo Rovelli (Aix-Marseille University)

Chair: Liuxiang Hao (CASIP)


Yongge Ma (Beijing Normal University)

Yu Shi (Fudan University)

Shan Gao (Shanxi University)

Huajia Wang (KITS)

Chunling Yan (CASIP)

Time: Wednesday, 13th October, 2021, 7:30 PM—9:30 PM (UTC+8)

Online Platform: Zoom

Meeting ID: 489 550 5875

Passcode: 6666

Language: English

Organizer: Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIP)


This is a bit more physics oriented (but philosophically informed). I distinguish (again) the different meanings that we attribute to the words "space" and "time." And discuss what happens to these notions when we consider the quantum properties of gravity, namely the quantum property of physical geometry. I illustrate why and how loop quantum gravity gives a precise and well defined answer to these questions. (This is the theory on which I am working)


Founder of the quantum gravity group of the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT) of the Aix-Marseille University. Professeur de classe exceptionnelle, Department of Physics in Aix-Marseille University. Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy in University of Western Ontario. Distinguished Visiting Research Chair in Perimeter Institute. Laurea Honoris Causa in Universidad de San Martin. Honorary Professor in Beijing Normal University. Senior Member in Institut Universitaire de France. Author of several important works in natural philosophy, including The Order of Time and Reality Is Not What It Seems.