Speaker: Xuefeng Wen (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University)

Moderator: Xuefeng Wen (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University)

Time: Saturday, September 28, 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

Venue: Lecture Hall, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (4th Floor, South Building, Building 4, Software Park, No. 4 Zhongguancun South Street)

Organizer: Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Although Aristotle studied practical reasoning in the form of the practical syllogism, modern logic has relatively underexplored practical reasoning compared to theoretical reasoning. This talk will examine the roots of this phenomenon and explore two fundamental questions in practical reasoning, reviewing key logical approaches in the study of practical reasoning. Building on this, the talk will propose a two-dimensional perspective on reasoning, further analyze the concepts of reasoning and practical reasoning, provide new answers to the two fundamental questions, and outline potential future directions for the logic of practical reasoning.

Speaker Bio:
Xuefeng Wen is a Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Logic and Cognition at Sun Yat-sen University. He serves as an executive council member of the Modern Logic Committee. He has published over 30 papers in journals and conferences such as SyntheseStudia LogicaLORIWoLLIC, and AiML. His research interests include non-classical logic and formal semantics.


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