Jackie WANG
Jackie WANG
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE). I earned dual Master’s degrees in International and World History from Columbia University and The London School of Economics (LSE), and my PhD in History from the University of Hong Kong. My research on women and business in Modern China turns the discourse around to retrieve and recover the role of Chinese women in business. My thesis sheds light on the hitherto neglected role of women entrepreneurs in the history of Chinese business and gives agency to these important economic actors and their business activities from a transnational perspective. As a native English speaker and fluent in Chinese, I have studied and worked in several multinational institutions including UN Women where I engaged companies, foundations, and individuals in gender related projects. 

Research Interests

My research interests include women, gender, business, and transnationalism. I am interested in the technology transfer of women and business, particularly how women leveraged powers of modernized institutions and technologies. I am also interested in researching the history of polo in China. I am currently working on a monograph based on my PhD research.


“Banking on Women: The Shanghai Women’s Commercial and Savings Bank, 1924-1955,” Enterprise and Society, 2022.
